Main Technical Features
- High-Performance Controller supporting Burst Mode for Read/Write transfers, to get optimized transfer speed and minimal switch fabric overhead.
- Memory Operating Frequency typically up to 133 MHz, depending on FPGA and Memory speed grades, and (more marginally) on the customer PCB characteristics.
- 32bits Slave Interface (Avalon-MM based) with Burst support. Typically, the Controller will serve a Master that can be an Altera Nios II CPU (32bits), with or without caches, with or without Burst mode. A hardware master (DMA) is of course also possible (e.g : Video streaming DMAs, etc …)
- Specific version of the controller for No Bus Latency memories, also called Zero Wait States memories (such as ISSI IS61NLF204836B / IS61NLF409618B, or Cypress CY7C1471BV33 / CY7C1473BV33), for 100% bandwidth utilization (no dead cycles)
- Very low FPGA resource usage : less than 200 Logic Cells, and two memory blocks
- Versatile : This IP can be used in all FPGA devices (Intel / Altera, Xilinx, Lattice, MicroSemi / Actel) having internal memory blocks.
- Provided with sophisticated SDC Timing Constraints, Hardware Tester Reference Designs, etc…
Typical waveforms
Here is above a typical waveform of consecutive Read/Write accesses, with/without bursts, with Zero Wait state (no bus latency) and thus 100% bandwidth utilization. The clock can be up to 133 MHz here.
Examples of supported Memories
- ISSI IS61LPS25632B
- ISSI IS61NLF204836B/IS61NLF409618B
- Cypress CY7C1471BV33 / CY7C1473BV33
- etc …