This section lists some FPGA Boards and the Off-The-Shelf systems either used by ALSE or designed by ALSE.
Note that after HPAPB, we decided that it would be the last board of this level of complexity that we would design. Now, we rely essentially on the boards developed by Reflex CES.
This is why we opened this section to their products.
REFLEX CES has developed many FPGA Development Kits and FPGA modules. This page highlights some of REFLEX CES’ newest and most powerful kits, based on Arria 10 FPGA.
- REFLEX CES Stratix 10 boards
This page highlights REFLEX CES’ boards based on FPGA Stratix 10, the brand new FPGA by Intel
- La Scala !
This Carrier Board, code-named “La Scala”, is designed to host the AVB64M Milan module and quickly prototype and develop Milan compatible professional Audio Equipment.
- HPAPB - Stratix V
This industrial board combines 8 x ADC channels (14 bits - 250 Ms/s - JESD204B) with the huge processing power of the largest Stratix V FPGA (for signal processing applications). HPAPB has been designed to be used in a synchronized array built on a 40Gbits/s communication ring. An industrial rack, capable of hosting up to 10 boards (for a total of 80 ADC channels), is also available as an option.
- ADM - Max 10
Powered by an Intel’s Max10 FPGA, this affordable plugin module can replace (in many applications) the now old and hard to get DBM3C (Cyclone III) modules.
The Max10 is a recent FPGA family and is supported by the latest versions of Quartus Prime Standard. It also includes two embedded ADC converters.- Nina
Nina is a very simple add-on board that can be plugged into many cheap FPGA kits including the BeMicroMax10, the DE0-nano, the DE2 series etc. It provides a lot of extra peripherals and features including Ethernet and many more.
- IndEEx
IndEEx stands for INDustrial Ethernet EXtension.
We developed this little inexpensive board in just a few days for the urgent need to add two Industrial Ethernet PHYs to a DE2-115 kit (which includes already two Gigabit PHYs).
This extension is compatible with many inexpensive FPGA kits like DE0-nano, BeMicro-Max10, DE series etc.- AVDB - Video Board (Obsolete)
To develop Video applications on FPGA or even to build video systems, AVDB was the perfect candidate, at an affordable cost. With embedded HDMI and DisplayPort connectivity, onboard DDR3, Gigabit Ethernet, SDI (with SFP+ module) and the largest Cyclone V FPGA, this board was an ideal platform for all kinds of projects, including 4K video ! Combined with the use of the Altera Video IP Suite, complete applications can be developed in just a few hours.
Unfortunately, the production of this board is now stopped (some components -like the Enpirion regulators- being obsolete). Even our internal stock is now dry.
If you can get a working board from some source, it’s still an excellent platform !
- Hi-Res Analog
This Industrial Ethernet High-Resolution Data Acquisition Module is a ready-to-use instrument perfect for acquiring low frequency signals at very high resolution (24-bit) and driving Digital I/Os. Can be used as an Oscilloscope or as an Acquisition front-end driven by an easy-to-write custom software, or even as an AUTONOMOUS system!
- HPPB - Stratix IV (Obsolete)
This High Performance Acquisition & Processing FPGA Board, based on Altera Stratix IV FPGA, exists in two versions.