The Arrow AXE5-Eagle Development Kit
We received one of the first tested boards from the first batch produced by Trenz.

Arrow AXE5 Eagle board
We were able very quickly to test our Aurora 64B/66 IP as well as our GEDEK 10G Ethernet IP. Which both worked nicely, as expected.
We have also been busy testing the official Intel Kit (below).
The Intel Agilex 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Development Kit - Premium
We are very excited and we are eagerly porting many IPs to this kit : Aurora 64B/66, 10GEDEK and JESD204B at this time.
The Intel Agilex 5 kit in action !
You can see the kit being tortured in a long (!) video accessible -with gory details- in our Article about Aurora 64B/66B on Agilex 5 -not for the faint of heart!-.